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Spectroscopy Group

A partnership between the

Advanced Photon Source and

the Canadian Light Source

Welcome to the Spectroscopy Group Home Page


Please also see our Science and Technical page located here.


The NEW APS has NEW Procedures for Users.  Click here for more information on returning to the APS.


Research Techniques 

Science Highlights  


X-ray absorption Spectroscopy 

In-situ / Operando Spectroscopy 


X-ray absorption Spectroscopy 


X-ray Raman Scattering
X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
High Energy Resolution Fluorescence Detection
Dispersive Spectroscopy 

Beamline Status Updates


We are very pleased to announce that 25-ID-C,D has begun scientific commissioning, the third and final commissioning phase before normal operations.


We are also pleased to report that 20-BM passed shielding verification last month, and will begin technical commissioning as we enter the 2025-1 cycle on January 27.

Also during the 2025-1 cycle, we expect to receive first light at 9-BM.


Click here for full article


Artificial Intelligence Enabled Advanced X-ray Spectroscopy in the APS-U Era 


Argonne applying artificial intelligence methods to achieve real-time data interpretation to steer experiments. 


Multi-modal characterization techniques will dramatically accelerate materials research and discovery; however, this development will result in the generation of significant quantities of data. Specifically, the advanced concept of simultaneous multimodal X-ray microprobe measurements (X-ray fluorescence, emission, and diffraction) for APS-U enhancement beamline 25-ID, will achieve full structural, chemical, and compositional information in an X-ray image with micron resolution over cm length scales... 


Click here for full article

Shelly Diane Kelly 

Group Leader

Yanna Chen 

Beamline Scientist, CLS

Zou Finfrock 

Beamline Scientist

Rebecca Gagnon 

Administrative Assistant

Juanjuan Huang 

Beamline Scientist

Debora Motta Meira 

Beamline Scientist, eBERlight

Michael Pape 

Beamline Engineer

Mikhail A. Solovyev 

Beamline Scientist

George Sterbinsky 

Beamline Scientist 

Chengjun Sun
Beamline Scientist

Kamila Wiaderek
Beamline Scientist / Electrochemist

Mark Wolfman
Beamline Scientist